Links about the Study of Italian, Languages, and the Humanities
This in-progress bibliography has been compiled by Dr. Teresa Fiore, Professor of Italian and Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies. For questions, please contact her at:
- Italian Program at Montclair State University
See also an article on the Italian Program at MSU:
“Italian Language and Culture ‘at Work’: New Projects in Business, Audio-Visual Translation and High-School” by Teresa Fiore (TILCA 2018) - Il portale della lingua italiana/The Italian language portal
- Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo
- Lead with Italian (ACTFL page: Why Learn Italian – advantages and benefits)
- Choose Italian: Video (scroll down the page) about the relevance of studying Italian, especially through study abroad and internships (note that the video refers to courses and degrees offered in the UK/Ireland, but its message is relevant in the U.S. as well)
- Italiamo! The New Free App to Learn Italian (a tool developed and offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MAECI)
- “From Bello to Biùtiful. What is happening to our Italian language?” Video of Annamaria Testa’s TED Talk a TEDxMilano (Testa defends Italian from the influence of English)
- Double major in Italian and Biology Wins Fulbright Scholarship for Palermo-based Project on Immigration in the Mediterranean.
- Diversity in Italian Studies (or lack thereof): “Race and Foreign Language” by Deborah Parker (Inside Higher Ed, June 2018)
- Italian for Spanish speakers project at Montclair State U
- Summer Intensive Program in Italian for High School students
- Inserra events about Italian Language and Language Teaching
- Italian Embassy video about students choosing Italian as a pathway to various disciplines and job opportunities
- A revolution in language: New French and Italian language courses at UCI are designed for Spanish (UC Irvine, May 6, 2021)
Languages and Translation
- “The Importance of Languages in Global Context: An International Call to Action.”
A Joint Statement by British Academy / American Academy of arts and Sciences / Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia / Australian Academy of the Humanities / The Royal Society of Canada. Nov. 2020. - “America’s Languages: Investing in Language Education for the 21st Century.” Commission on Language Learning. American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2017.
- “Languages in the U.K: A Call for Action.” The British Academy, 2019.
- “Towards a National Languages Strategy: Education and Skills.” The British Academy, 2020.
- “The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.” The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
- “An Ecosystem for Language Professionals to Help Bridge the Gap” (RWS Moravia Blog, 20 Sep 2016 )
- What happens when college students discuss lab work in Spanish, philosophy in Chinese or opera in Italian?
(by Laura Pappano,The Washington Post, Nov. 2019) - “Monolingualism diminishes America’s stature on the world stage” (by Martha Abbott,The Hill, March 2018)
- “What is the Future of English in the U.S.? In Today’s Changing World, Could Monolingual Americans Be Left Behind?” (by Bryan Lufkin, BBC, Aug. 2018)
- “Native English Speakers Are the World’s Worst Communicators.” Lennox Morrison. BBC, 31 October 2016.
- “Gutting US foreign language education will cost us for generations” by Ruth Ben-Ghiat (CNN Tue January 29, 2019).
- “Do You Speak My Language? You Should.” by Bénédictede Montlaur.New York Times, 26 March, 2019.
- “Creating a new normal: Language Education for All.” Aleidine Moeller, and Martha Abbott. Foreign Language Annals. Wiley: 13 February 2018.
- “Colleges Lose a ‘Stunning’ 651 Foreign-Language Programs in 3 Years.” Steven Johnson. The Chronicle of Higher Education. January 22, 2019.
- “The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals” by Kathleen Kinsler. The New York Times. 11 March, 2016.
- “The Amazing Benefits of Being Bilingual.” Gaia Vince. BBC, 12 August 2016.
- “The Cognitive Benefits of Being Bilingual.” Marian Viorica and Anthony Shook. Cerebrum (Sep-Oct. 2012): 13.
- “Translation Technology is Useful but should not replace learning languages” by Michael Haugh. Oct. 15, 2017.
- “North Jersey dominates when it comes to households that speak another language.” Kaitlyn Kanzler and Joshua Jongsma. 13 July, 2018.
- “Why N.J. students dominate the U.S. in learning foreign languages. Disha Raychaudhuri. Sept. 2018.
- Inserra events about Languages and Translation and Teaching
The Humanities
- “As Humanities Majors Decline, Colleges Try to Hype Up Their Programs” (Jeffrey Selingo, The Atlantic, Nov 1, 2018)
- “English majors, rejoice: Employers want you more than business majors” (Aimee Picchi, CBS News, MoneyWatch, October 26, 2018)
- “The surprising thing Google learned about its employees — and what it means for today’s students” (Washington Post, Dec. 2017) – Article about the crucial skills provided by the Humanities in comparison with STEM-related knowledge.
- “Higher Learning: Want a Great Employ? Hire a Dancer” (Barbara Feldman for The Herald Tribune, April 2016)
- “Doubly Prepared: Students Expand Their Horizons with Double Majors”(Jeremy Schwab, Boston University, Arts&Sciences Magazine, Fall 2013)
- Pitt, Richard, N. Pitt, and Steven A. Tepper. “Double Majors: Influences, Identities & Impacts.” A Curb Center Report prepared for the Teagle Foundation. Sept. 2012. See related article in The Chronicle for Higher Education.
- “Students Learn From People They Love: Putting relationship quality at the center of education.” David Brooks, New York Times, Opinion, Jan. 17, 2019.
- “Future Work Skills 2020.” Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research Institute, Palo Alto, California. 2011.
- “Principles of the UNAI” (United Nations Academic Impact),” 2018.
- “The New Basics: Big data reveals the skills young people need for the New Work Order.” Foundation for Young Australians, 2017.
- Page, Scott. The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools and Societies. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2008.
- Inserra events about the Humanities in an Interdisciplinary Perspective