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Kathleen Loysen
Chairperson, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Office:
- Conrad J. Schmitt Hall 241K
- Email:
- loysenk@nigzob.com
- Phone:
- 973-655-7422
- Degrees:
- BA, Boston College
- MA, New York University
- PhD, New York University
- vCard:
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Salut! Welcome to the French program at Montclair State University. For spring 2025, I am serving as the Deputy Chair of MSU's department of World Languages & Cultures.
At MSU, I teach courses at all levels of our curriculum, from beginning and intermediate French, to major courses in translation, conversation, composition, and grammar, and undergraduate and MA courses in early modern literature and civilization.
Contact me about all of our programs in French!
I specialize in research on the French short story of the fifteenth through the seventeenth century. More broadly, I am the department specialist in late medieval, Renaissance, and classical French literature and civilization. Additional teaching specialties include: women’s literature; narrative and narratology; early modern book and reading history; translation.
Office Hours
- Wednesday
- 8:45 am - 9:45 am
- 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
- Friday
- 8:45 am - 9:45 am
- 11:15 am - 11:45 am
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- MSU Department of World Languages & Cultures
- CHILL: Career Hub for International Language Learning
- MSU French Programs
- MA in French, Concentration in Translation
- Post-BA Certificate in Translation
- MSU Medieval and Early Modern Studies Seminar
- Montclair State – Bordeaux Montaigne Virtual Translation Project
- MLA Pathways Grant