Students sitting on campus in spring


If you do not have an appointment with an academic advisor, please see the drop in times below, no appointment needed!

If you want to meet with an academic advisor, please schedule an appointment via Navigate or email for scheduling help.

Spring 2025 Drop-In Schedule: 
Tuesdays 1pm – 4pm
Wednesdays 9am – 12pm
Thursdays 1pm – 4pm

Fall Registration Drop- In Schedule:
March 27th – April 4th
Monday – Friday
9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Note: please check the registration times to see when you register for classes!

Our drop ins are in person (Dickson Hall Room 153) or online (check in through Navigate).

Email or call 973-655-3067 for further assistance!

Drop-In Academic Advising

CHSS Advising offers drop-ins where you can meet with an advisor without an appointment. Come to Dickson Hall room 153 or join virtually via Navigate during these times to meet with someone!

Academic Advising Appointments

Academic advising appointments are currently available both in person and virtually via Zoom, with an option for a video or phone appointment.

If you have a CHSS advisor listed on your Degree Works, you can make an appointment with a CHSS Advisor through Navigate. If you do not have a CHSS advisor listed on your Degree Works and you would like to meet with someone, please visit our Live Chat feature, Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm, and we can schedule an appointment for you. Instructions on how to access the Zoom link will be provided once you have scheduled an appointment.

If you have general questions email us or use our Live Chat during summer business hours, Monday – Thursday, 9am – 4pm.
Please note: we are closed on Fridays June-August

Getting academic advisement is a critical part of supporting you throughout your college experience! The goal of advising is to help you make decisions, manage your educational goals and support you towards your future professional career path.  Academic Advising at Montclair State University is unique. Once you have declared a major, you are assigned to a faculty advisor that can answer your questions about courses, applied learning opportunities and confirm you are on the road to graduation.

At CHSS, we want you to develop a strong and collaborative relationship with your faculty advisor. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers additional problem-solving support for students who have advisement questions. In addition to your faculty advisor, you can Meet with an Advisor at CHSS if you have unique concerns. Our advising philosophy is to bring you the tools for success, which ultimately allows each student to pro-actively drive their educational outcomes.

Remember, you drive your educational experience and career development. The tools are all here for you to succeed!

Use Degree Works to track your progress which you can access through your NEST account.

Learn more about CHSS